eFAQ Solutions

eFAQ Solutions is a knowledge-based tool that stores and retrieve information from a central database. Its main focus is to help to minimise the number of people who uses call service centres, thus reducing the overall costs of the call centres itself, as well as providing a quick answer for frequently used questions. It has a separate administrator page that is used for content creation and management, as well as a quick glance at the various statistics, such as the number of clicks and visits to a particular FAQ.

Project Overview

The eFAQ Solutions is a rewrite and redevelopment of the FAQ Solutions tool previously written in JSP. The migration to .NET MVC architecture also added several new features, as well as an updated interface.

Along with the migration from the JSP platform, eFAQ Solutions was added new functionalities, such as reporting capabilities, a more in-depth content-linking, and the ability to support multiple clients with different themes.At the time when I left Mentor Technology Group, this tool was – and I assume it is still currently – used by HSBC Australia for their FAQ pages, both internally and externally.

At the time when I left Mentor Technology Group, this tool was – and I assume it is still currently – used by HSBC Australia for their FAQ pages, both internally and externally.

eFAQ Solutions


Project Status

Developed from September 2011 – April 2012, eFAQ Solutions project had been completed and is now maintained by its own developer

Tech Stack

ASP.NET in C#, MVC, Entity Framework, SQL Server with full-text indexing, jQuery, Google Charts