nib Surprise and Delight

The nib Surprise and Delight website is a reward website aimed towards people who use nib Health Funds for their private health cover and insurance, essentially enabling nib Health Funds to give back and thank its members for their support and trust with nib. Members who are entitled are able to log in and select a gift as a token of appreciation from nib.



Project Overview

During the project itself, I was assigned the task to redesign the website to look exactly like the design that has been given to me. There were some issues, such as the unavailability of Helvetica fonts in Windows and Linux-based machines (meaning for some people, they will not see the same fonts), and the compatibility of generated report with their systems; but ultimately both Pinpoint Digital and us can reach a common ground for working with the site.nib Surprise and Delight was completed at the end of October 2012

nib Surprise and Delight was completed at the end of October 2012.

nib Surprise and Delight

Project Status

Developed from August 2012 – October 2012

Tech Stack

ASP.NET, SQL Server, custom CMS, custom report generation