Writings on the Blog

Opinions, thoughts, and reviews I’ve written over the years. It’s mostly about games, as I play games for leisure, but on a rare occasion, I also write about programming and personal stuff.

What Certificates Do You Have?

Just like many of us do, I sometimes clean up my email inbox. I usually open my spam folder to see which email got designated as spam, and to check whether it is truly a spam or not. This week when I open my spam folder, I got an interesting email: an offer for scrum...

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The Brokenness of myki

Over the past two or three years, I have been using Victoria's "new" ticketing card, myki. I knew it is broken from the first time I used it, but I had not realise how fundamentally broken it is until I came back from my trip to Gold Coast. As most of Melbournians...

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Review: Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 (DS)

Hey there! As usual, it's been a long time (half a year, actually) since my last post. Over these six months I have been up to various things, moving workplaces, setting up a new blog, getting married, moving in together, settling in, as well as the usual playing...

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EF 4.1 Code-first: Executing Stored Procedure

Since I worked in my company, I was required to learn a lot of stuffs. One of the basic things to learn was to adapt from my mostly used Java programming language to C#, along with the proper MVC platform. Of course, .NET MVC, being a platform (for vocabulary nazis, I...

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Nintendo 3DS Launched in Australia

Hi guys. I actually was planning to write a post yesterday, but something came up. Yep, the official launch of the Nintendo 3DS in Australia. As most of you would already know about, Nintendo 3DS is the successor of the highly successful portable gaming console,...

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A Trip Home (Part 2)

Hi guys! A little while ago I posted about my trip home to Indonesia and holiday to China, along with my family. It was a good trip and I really enjoyed it. I needed to go back to Indonesia for the police and character check for applying for permanent residency in...

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A Trip Home

It’s been some time since I last post here. Well, I was actually overseas for several weeks and had been back in Melbourne for few weeks as well. I’ve been looking for a job as well, and so far I only landed being a part-time employee in Swinburne University (which is...

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Review: Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (DS)

I’m an avid RPG gamer, and judging from the countless posts I’ve made mentioning this, I can assure you that. Lately, there’s only so much RPG games that you can play AND actually enjoy. The numbers are lower when it gets to traditional good ol’ RPG game. Things were...

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The Nintendo 3DS

As everyone have guessed, Nintendo unveiled their upcoming handheld console in E3 2010. Yesterday (or rather, this morning), I watched the presentation in live streaming from E3. Nintendo itself brought back many games, some of it are old games, not remakes, but new...

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Review: Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)

Over the last couple of weeks, well actually before my exams week, I decided to give it a go on Final Fantasy XIII. It was always been a tough decision (well, not exactly) for me to play this game, since all the news that gives this incarnation of the game a bad name....

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